How A Chiropractor Can Help with a Work Injury?

Suffering from a Work Injury?

Many people are surprised to find out that the majority of work injuries in Chapel Hill do not occur because of serious accidents. The truth is that most injuries in the workplace happen from overuse injuries. Each year in the United States millions of dollars are spent to help individuals with this problem.

The most common of all the risk factors associated with work injury is repetitive stress. Small tasks that happen with poor posture create big problems over time. Twisting and turning while moving boxes or even continuous typing in a poor position. You would think it’s the big accident that would hurt you, but it’s the small movements occurring poorly with frequency more often each day that create the majority of injuries.

Help for Work Injuries

Our Leigh Brain & Spine team has a high success rates helping people with work injuries. Lower back pain and repetitive stress injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome, are just two of the more common work-related conditions that our team regularly treats. When the spine and joints become misaligned it can commonly cause injuries. Joints that are misaligned cause swelling which can irritate surrounding nerves leading to multiple problems. If your work injury was more serious and involves possible mild acquired brain injury, traumatic brain injury or concussion our team is prepared to assess and treat these types of injuries as well.

The sooner you receive proper care after a work injury, the easier it is to make a quick recovery. Our doctors are able to assess your condition, and help you understand what it is going to take to recover.

If you are dealing with a work injury, Leigh Brain & Spine in Chapel Hill is your first best resource. Pain is not something you have to live with. Our training will allow us to detect and help those injuries which are specifically related to your work. Having an integrative team on your side soon after your injury can make all the difference in your final treatment outcomes.