Work Injuries And Accidents
Can Work Injuries Be Healed?
I got hurt at work, now what do I do? If you have asked yourself this question and you live in the Chapel Hill – Durham area, then we have the answer for you. The doctors at Leigh Brain and Spine help people recovery quickly from work injuries and get them back to feeling like their old selves, and actually even better.
3 Steps to do immediately if you have been hurt at work.
- Tell your employer about the accident or incident that caused your injury. Be sure your supervisor is aware and fill out any necessary paperwork for your employer.
- File the necessary state paperwork through N.C. State Industrial Commission. They will help make sure you have all necessary information on file.
- Seek highly qualified medical attention to receive the proper diagnosis, information and care to help you recover.
I hurt my back at work, what should I do?
If your injury involves your back or the use of your extremities such as your arms and legs, then having an evaluation with the proper professional, such as a Doctor of Chiropractic, is important to not only document the extent of your injuries from your accident but to receive a diagnosis and ultimately the proper care to get you feeling better as quickly as possible. The doctor will be able to give you a clear understanding of your accident has affected your body and what is needed for a quick recovery.
How do I know if my back pain is from work?
Lower back pain, neck pain, arm & leg pain and repetitive stress injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome, are just some of the more common work-related conditions that our team regularly treats.
It is estimated that 31 Million Americans suffer from low back pain at any given moment and it is one of the most common reasons people miss work. When the spine and joints become misaligned, it can commonly cause injuries. Joints that are misaligned cause swelling which can irritate surrounding nerves, leading to multiple problems. Determining what your problem truly is and what needs to be done to fix it needs to happen as soon as possible for maximum recovery.
Should I go to work with a bad back?
Back pain is the single largest reason people miss work, low back in particular. This is not due to an accident or incident per se, but is a result of the recurring positions that put stress on the body or from being in one position or movement at work repetitively. If you suffer from back pain and are trying to decide if you should go to work here is what science has found: taking a day off from work due to intense back pain can help alleviate the symptoms so as to make you more productive the days after that. However, the study, the PAIN journal, continues to advocate for preventive care so as not to miss more days than necessary. So long story short, if you are in pain today, you may want to take a day to rest and heal, but in the long run you need to put together an integrated health plan to help you feel your best so you do not have to miss work regularly.
A study in the journal PAIN found that integrated, preventive care was powerful in helping workers miss less days of work. Chiropractic care with added home exercises was identified as being a pivotal piece of the integrated care found to help workers feel better and miss less work.
How can a Chiropractor help my back pain?
Spinal Joint Dysfunction occurs when one or more bones in the spinal column are out of place, blocking the nerves of the back that run down to your arms and legs from functioning properly. If the nerves do not work right, then pain results. At the same time the muscles go into spasm as a result of the improper use due to the misalignment of the spinal segments causing more problems and more pain. A trained Chiropactor will align the segments of your spine very gently and deliberately through spinal alignment also called an “adjustment” to reduce and alleviate your pain and more importantly heal your spine so that it is in the correct position once again.
Once your spinal column is aligned and the nerves are allowed to work properly, your muscles, tissues, and organs will feel better, faster. You no longer will suffer from pain and discomfort and can get back to work and enjoying your life.
Spine Specialist vs. Chiropractor
Spine specialists include a variety of different professions that focus on the spine, but how they treat the spine can differ significantly. The main types of professionals are Chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, pain management physicians, and neurologists. Clearly surgeons are those doctors that provide surgery when necessary. Pain management physicians tend to prescribe pain medications to help alleviate pain. For those people who are looking for less invasive and more holistic health ways to treat back and neck pain, Chiropractors tend to be a better fit. Some Chiropractors have extensive advanced training in spinal health and specialize in more technical types of care such as non-surgical spinal decompression. If you back pain is significant or chronic you may want to evaluate among chiropractors for a Chiropractic Physician with experience in treating more significant problems.