Teen ADHD Treatment Center in Chapel Hill
If your teen struggles with ADHD, our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing needed in order to create a treatment plan for a better way of life.
Does your Teenager Struggle with ADHD?
Teen ADD/ADHD can lead to dangerous behaviors and extreme circumstances if left untreated. The qEEG Brain Map to the right shows high levels of slow processing speed, yes slow, most people think it is fast processing speed that causes ADHD. Too much slowness, as seen by the red, orange, and yellow above is like the brain constantly trying to fall asleep. This is why stimulant medications are prescribed to speed the brain up for a short time, often with unbearable side effects. The slow running brain results in ADD symptoms such as distractibility, lack of focus, forgetfulness, etc. Many times it finds ways to stimulate itself; hyperactivity, anxious mind, constant talking, and other ADHD symptoms.
This pattern can be changed and there is a great deal of science to prove it. So much that the American Pediatric Association and the American Psychological Association endorse Neurofeedback as a #1 treatment option.
ADHD in Teens: Cause, Risks (Especially Driving), Treatment, and Tips
ADHD in teens can cause a special variety of risks. An ADHD type of brain can make school work, homework, making good grades, and making friends difficult for teenagers with ADHD. An ADHD brain type is one that runs slower in processing speed. This is the opposite of what most people believe, but it is true. The slowness causes teens to be inattentive and lose focus or to be impulsive; blurting things out, and acting upon all the thoughts that come to them.
A common treatment is stimulant medication, to speed the brain up for the duration of the school day, even though science proves that medication does not change the slow processing brain pattern permanently and side effects often result.
The slow brain pattern puts teens at risk for seeking out activities that stimulate their brain, making it feel good. Such activities include driving fast and reckless, immature behavior due to lack of judgment, and drinking for the thrills.
Science shows that teens with ADHD are involved in more car accidents and have more problems with alcohol and drinking than teens that do not have ADHD.
If your teen is diagnosed with ADHD or you think he or she might suffer from ADHD there is a way to find out if his or her brain is operating in an ADHD pattern. It is a qEEG Brain Map. The brain map will show if the ADHD pattern is there, putting your teen at risk.
Tips for Helping Your Teen with ADHD Manage Better:
- Provide clear and concise directions, explanations, and limits to help your teen be successful
- Help your teen with scheduling and organization
- Have your teen follow a daily routine and schedule
- Make sure your teen gets plenty of sleep for best brain functioning
- Keep tabs on electronic use. Set rules and help your teen stick to them. Limit electronic use to help his or her brain from becoming overstimulated. This can make ADHD symptoms worse.
- Work with your teen’s teachers to help him or her be successful at school.
- Stay calm when disciplining your teen with ADHD. Your calm state will facilitate the same in your teen.