
Misophonia Treatment Center in Capel Hill

If you struggle with Misophonia, our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing needed in order to create a treatment plan for a better way of life.

What is Misophonia?

Have you ever been at the movies and the sound of someone chewing their popcorn and slurping their soda was putting you over the edge. Misophonia feels like that to the sufferer… all the time.

Misophonia is a sensory processing disorder. This irregularity in the brain’s processing of sound creates a negative emotional and physiological response. It is usually elicited by a specific, common sound in the environment. Triggers for misophonia include the sound of someone chewing food or gum, yawning, coughing, or other repetitive noises like the tapping of a pencil or the clicking of a pen.

People’s bodily noises or even environmental sounds can trigger a fight or flight response, sending the person into a rage or varying degrees of extreme irritation.

These noises can result in many emotional and physiological responses, including a “flight or flight” response, anger, rage, anxiety, discomfort, sweating, heart rate increase, wanting to escape one’s immediate surroundings. An intense desire to stop the source of the trigger noise can occur. Since common noises generated by people are often triggers for Misophonia, the condition can compromise a person’s quality of life by impacting their ability or desire to socialize and function in a public environment.

Misophonia is considered a selective sound sensitivity because the brain is using an anxious pattern in the auditory processing areas.



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Misophonia treatment is available at Leigh Brain & Spine’s treatment center in Chapel Hill. Our experienced brain-based condition experts will evaluate the severity of the sensory processing disorder and provide a treatment solution to help improve life with Misophonia.

You can find out more about our Misophonia treatment by visiting our dedicated page here.

Here are common questions asked about Misophonia. If you do not see an answer to a question you would like answered, please call the professionals at Leigh Brain & Spine 919-401-9933.

How do you get rid of Misophonia?

People with Misophonia often use the strategies and care options below to cope with and reduce their noise sensitivities. Neurofeedback is noted by the Misophonia Association as a treatment option with very positive results.

  • Using headphones or earbuds
  • Adding white noise to the person’s environment
  • Using a hearing aid that produces background noise
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Psychological counseling
  • Neurofeedback brain training
How can Neurofeedback help Misophonia?

Another SCIENCE article relates Misophonia to irregular patterns in the brain within the auditory processing areas. These areas are in charge of processing sound information. Since Misophonia has been identified as an irregular brain pattern, it can be regulated through Neurofeedback.

When Neurofeedback is used to help the brain perform better, then sounds are porcessed in real-time and do not create the fight or flight response in the nervous system.

At Leigh Brain & Spine, Drs. Trish & Cosmas Leigh have had great success helping children and adults with Misophonia reduce and completely get rid of their noise sensitivities.

Checkout our Success Stories here.

How to deal with Misophonia

Dealing with Misophonia can often time be challenging, due to the nature of the sensory processing disorder. The first step in dealing with Misophonia is identifying the triggering sound. If that is determined, we advise that you attempt one or more of the following solutions to help deal with Misophonia:

  • Try a sensory diet that has been developed specifically for Misophonia. These diets can help limit the severity of the alarming sound that occurs to trigger the disorder.
  • Wear earphones or headphones as often as you can. Blocking out the sound that causes distraction is the best temporary solution for preventing Misophonia from becoming unbearable.
  • Beigin neurofeedback brain training as an ongoing solution. This type of sensory processing training can help limit and potentially eliminate the consistency of dealing with Misophonia on a daily basis.
How to treat Misophonia

Treating Misophonia can be done in a number of ways. There are both temporary and more permanent treatment options for Misophonia which we have outlined below.

Temporary Treatment Options:

  • Using headphones or earbuds
  • Adding white noise to the person’s environment
  • Using a hearing aid that produces background noise

More Permanent Treatment Options:

What causes Misophonia?

It might come as a surprise to you, but Misophonia is not a problem related to ears. Instead, it is believed to be a mental disorder. There are no known causes of Misophonia and it can often time be hard to diagnose by your general doctor. If you would like to be properly tested, you can visit Leigh Brain & Spine in Chapel Hill.


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About Dr. Trish Leigh


Dr. Leigh,  is considered a thought leader in educating people on how their brain’s work, and how they can utilize brain-based therapies, as well as do-it-yourself strategies, to make their brain work better. When your brain works better, so does your body, by improving physical and thought processes to perform better.