What is ADHD?
ADHD, which is also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a brain-based condition that directly effects the set of brain functions and behaviors that affect concentration, memory, motivation, effort, learning, impulsivity, hyperactivity, organization, and social skills. While ADHD is something to be concerned about, you can rest a little easier knowing Dr. Leigh has over 20 years of experience providing therapy and treatments to children and adults struggling with ADHD. ADHD is a serious concern, however, it should be noted that many people who suffer from ADHD can still go on to live happy and successful lives.
How is ADHD Caused?
ADHD/ADD is primarily caused by a brain pattern that is running too slow (underactive as described in the above picture). The brain’s slow processing speed causes distractibility, lack of focus, difficulty staying on task, forgetfulness and difficulty following through on intended tasks. This pattern can also lead to anxiety over time as the brain compensates for the slowness.
What are the symptoms of ADHD?
Typically, parents who witness excessive motor activity assume their child might have ADHD. However, impulsivity, inattentiveness, and active behavior are common in children, making common ADHD symptoms difficult to distinguish. If you are trying to discern if your or your child truly struggles with ADHD, common symptoms are listed below, and people typically suffer from more than 5 at a time. A Brain Map can definitively show you if your brain is using an ADHD pattern and one can be done to help it.
- Short attention span
- Forgetfulness
- Avoids tasks requiring mental effort
- Struggles to follow instructions
- Does not appear to list
- Does not pay close attention to detail
- Has difficulty with organization
- Fidgets around often
- Has difficulty sitting still
- Has difficulty in engaging in quiet activities
- Excessively runs and climbs
- Talks Excessively
- Has difficulty waiting
Who Struggles with ADHD?
At Leigh Brain & Spine we work with children, teens, and adults, helping each group providing by ADHD therapy that ultimately changes their brain pattern and their lives for the better. Neurofeedback works incredibly well for both ADD and ADHD healing. Neurofeedback is an effective treatment that it is rated a #1 Best Support by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association.
ADHD is the most common childhood neurobehavioral challenge. The ADHD Institute has measured the prevalence of ADHD as between 5.29% and 7.1% worldwide with the United States at the upper end of that scale. Many parents feel like they have no other option but to medicate their child. This simply is not true. Research has shown the harmful and damaging effects of stimulant medication on children, even at low doses for average treatment times. Class 2 psychotropic drugs have been used to ease the symptoms of ADHD. Some of the common names of these drugs that you may be more familiar with are Ritalin and Adderal. You may be shocked to find out that these commonly prescribed medications to our children are in the same class of drugs as cocaine and meth-amphetamines. In fact, they are legally classified as Type II controlled substances and the side effects can be devastating ranging from increased aggression, development of motor tics, and irregular heart rate.
Studies show that if ADHD is not properly treated during childhood, ADHD will persist for life. Children with ADHD grow up to have a higher incidence of big problems in adulthood such as the inability to get and keep a job, substance abuse and addiction, and even higher rates of incarceration.
If your child is diagnosed with ADHD or if you are like many parents we work with who are trying to avoid a diagnosis, call us for help. At Leigh Brain & Spine, Dr. Trish Leigh will help you put your child on a better path. Dr. Trish is a highly trained Board Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner with over 20 years of experience, who will conduct a comprehensive brain-based assessment to determine the root of your child’s attention and behavior challenges. Then will guide you toward making the best decisions for your child’s long term success.
If you are serious about helping your child with ADHD overcome his challenges without depending on medication for the rest of his life, call (919) 401-9933 us today and we will help you get started.
How Do You Heal From ADHD?
Dysregulated brain patterns cause ADHD and ADD. When these patterns are improved toward optimal functioning, symptoms go away and your brain pattern really becomes better too. This non-medication approach to brain regulation and healing of ADHD has been proven to work through science and anecdote. Dr. Trish Leigh provides individualized care for each patient after she has completed a qEEG Brain Map, so that she can visualize and understand how your brain is working and how to improve the irregular brain patterns you have, to alleviate the problem at the source one and for all.