Dyspraxia Therapy Center in Chapel Hill
If you struggle with planning or performing motor movements our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing needed in order to create a treatment plan for Dyspraxia.
What is Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia is a complicated, brain-based disorder that can affect children and adults. Difficulty planning and performing motor movements can result from this disorder. Science shows that people with Dyspraxia demonstrate an irregular brain pattern that causes their motor challenges. Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), a brain-based method of evaluation, shows exactly how a person’s brain is performing and how it can be made to work better.
Planning and coordinating physical movement can be a challenges. Children with Dyspraxia tend to struggle with balance and posture. They may appear clumsy or have difficulty positioning themselves within their environment. If communication is affected, children may have difficulty planning and implementing the motor movements necessary for speech to be understood. These difficulties stem from the motor planning areas of the brain.
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What Causes Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia has been associated with irregular neurological patterns within a child’s brain functioning. Scientists have discovered that the cause is associated with a problem in the way the brain is performing.
How Does Dyspraxia Affect A Child?
Children can have trouble pronouncing words or expressing their ideas. Pitch and volume adjustments of their voice can be difficult for kids. Thus, making friends and being social can be much harder.
Emotional/behavioral skills:
Children may behave immaturely due to developmental delays. They may easily become overwhelmed in group settings. Making friends can be difficult and anxiety about socializing with others can result, especially as they get older. Their difficulties with sports may also affect their self-esteem and social abilities.
Difficulty writing quickly can result. This can create challenges in the classroom, such as trouble taking notes and finishing tests. Children who have speech difficulties due to Dyspraxia may also have difficulty with reading and spelling.
Daily life skills:
Dyspraxia can make it hard to master everyday tasks needed for independence. In elementary school, kids still may need help buttoning a shirt or brushing their teeth. As teens, they could have trouble learning to drive a car.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dyspraxia?
Warning Signs in a Toddler
- Messy eater, doesn’t use utensils.
- Difficulty throwing or catching a ball
- Delayed toilet training
- Construction toys and puzzles present extreme difficulties
- Delayed speech development
Warning Signs in Preschool or Early Elementary School
- Slow to develop hand dominance, right or left
- Difficulty writing or drawing
- Difficulty working buttons, snaps and zippers
- Delayed speech development with irregular patterns of speed, volume and pitch
- Struggles to interact with other kids
Warning Signs in Grade School or Middle School
- Avoid being physically active or gym class
- Writing takes long, due to difficulty gripping pencil and forming letters
- Trouble moving small objects, such as game pieces, from one place to another
- Struggles with hand-eye coordination activities
- Difficulty remembering and following instructions
Warning Signs in High School
- Bumps into things and people
- Falls and trips often
- Continuous talking and repeat ideas
- Forgetful, often losing items
- Inappropriate behavior because doesn’t pick on nonverbal cues
How is Dyspraxia Diagnosed?
To be diagnosed with Dyspraxia, a child must have symptoms for at least six months. Parents document behaviors over time to help professionals get a sense of how behavior is impacting the child’s life. There’s no one specific test to diagnose whether a child has dyspraxia. Typically, a doctor will examine the child to rule out other neurological conditions.
New scientific findingsshow that Dyspraxia is much better able to be understood by doctors now that they are using qEEG Brain Mapping to look at the person’s neurological functioning and how the brain is using energy. This evaluation method shows why motor control is disrupted and what can be done to improve motor functioning at the level of the brain.
What is the Best Test for Dyspraxia?
Scientists have identified a brain pattern that is used when a person is healthy, with no problems of motor planning or control. Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) technology was used to find this brain pattern.
Abnormal qEEG findings are known to be at the root of Dyspraxia. A qEEG Brain Map can detect and identify if the brain is suffering from neurological dysfunction that is causing the motor challenges. In this way, advances in neuroscience and technology are making it easier to identify and treat Dyspraxia.
How Can Neurofeedback Improve Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia is known to be associated with abnormal brain functioning patterns. The areas of the brain that control motor movements are not working properly.
Neurofeedback Therapy re-wires brain irregularities for better performance. Scientific studies prove that Neurofeedback has high success rates by providing auditory and visual feedback to improve the way the brain is operating. With better brain function comes alleviation of symptoms.
What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Dyspraxia?
Neurofeedback Therapy is a clinically proven, drug free, non-invasive treatment option that can improve the brain pattern toward the optimal one proven to be symptom-free. When the brain is working better, the flow of information from the brain to the body is improved and symptoms can be reduced.
Neurofeedback is?
- Drug-Free
- Non-Invasive
- No Side-Effects
- Clinically Proven
- Long-lasting Benefits
- Proven successful with 65-year legacy
Compared to other types of motor disorder treatment that involve exercises of the impacted areas to control the muscles better or compensate for their poor use, Neurofeedback Therapy works directly with the person’s brain for an enjoyable experience that is proven effective.
What Do I Do If My Child Has Dyspraxia?
If you would like to reduce your child’s Dyspraxia Symptoms, call the professionals at Leigh Brain & Spine. The doctors can perform a qEEG Brain Map to determine if you are a strong candidate for Neurofeedback Therapy.