Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Center in Chapel Hill

If you struggle with Alzheimer’s, our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing needed in order to create a treatment plan for a better way of life.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Science shows that Alzheimer’s is a degeneration of brain cells that leads to the premature slowing of your brain signals. As we age, all of our brains are slowing down. In Alzheimer’s, that slowing begins early and happens far more quickly. This leads to memory problems, slower thinking, and ultimately an early cognitive decline that can have a drastic impact on you and your loved ones.

Does Alzheimer’s Run In My Family?

If you’ve ever thought “my mom has Alzheimer’s, what’s next for me?”, then you need to keep reading. There is nothing more difficult than watching a loved one suffer from the debilitating disease of Alzheimer’s. Many that have gone through this also endure the anxiety of wondering if they will end up with Alzheimer’s in their own future. Well, the risk is real. If you have a first-degree relative that has suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease, then you are at a three and a half times greater risk than those with no family history. Even aunts, uncles, and grandparents affected statistically put you at a greater risk.

What can you do today if you are at risk for developing Alzheimer’s? First of all, you can know how Alzheimer’s affects your brain and then you can understand what you can do about it.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

A person who appears to be healthy may be exhibiting signs of a mild stage of Alzheimer’s Disease. Even a person at the age of 40 can be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. If you or a loved one are experiencing the Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms below, a mild stage of Alzheimer’s Disease might be present. Don’t worry, Dr. Leigh is here to help determine if the Alzheimer’s Disease is present and can help to prevent a mild stage of Alzheimer’s Disease from developing.

  • Memory Loss
  • All of a sudden poor judgment
  • Loss of spontaneity
  • Taking longer to complete normal daily tasks
  • Repeating questions
  • Frequently getting lost
  • Constantly losing things
  • Mood and personality swings
  • Increased anxiety

If the mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease continue to develop for too long, a more moderate stage of Alzheimer’s Disease may be developing. At a more moderate stage a lot more care, supervision, time, and energy will be required making life difficult for spouses and families. The symptoms of a moderate stage of Alzheimer’s Disease include:

  • Difficulty organizing thoughts
  • Shortened attention span
  • Difficulty coping with new situations
  • Unable to carrying out multistep tasks
  • Unable to recognize family and friends
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Increased anxiety
  • Repetitive statements or movement

If the symptoms of moderate Alzheimer’s Disease continue to develop, a more severe stage of Alzheimer’s Disease will develop. People who suffer from a severe case of Alzheimer’s Disease cannot communicate, cannot be left alone, and need to depend on other people for care.

  • Unable to communicate
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Seizures
  • Skin infections
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Increased sleeping
  • The loss of bowel and bladder control

Fortunately, Alzheimer’s Disease can be prevented, even stopped. Neurofeedback therapy with Dr. Leigh can help spot the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and re-regulate the brain preventing the disease from escalating to a moderate or severe stage. Call (919) 401-9933 or click the button below to get your free guide on how Neurofeedback treatment can help prevent further progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. With an office in Chapel Hill, Dr. Patricia Leigh can provide you and your loved ones the help that you need without drugs or any invasive procedures.

Frequently Ask Question About Alzheimer’s

How do I know if my brain is showing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?

If you have a family member with dementia or Alzheimer’s, it is wise to have your brain tested for early stage Alzheimer’s. A qEEG Brain Map can provide the information needed to determine your next steps in preventing the onset and progression of dementia-related challenges. If you or a loved one’s brain is slowing too much, too soon, don’t worry, there are brain-based therapies to speed your brain back up as you age.

How can I Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

If your brain shows increased, early slowing, Neurofeedback Therapy has been proven by science to increase volume and usage of brain cells, making them work better. Neurofeedback also improves the speed of your brain signals to improve memory and thinking to keep your quality of life at its fullest, giving you a longer, healthier, and happier life. Dr. Trish Leigh is highly trained to provide a therapy tailored specifically for you or your family member.

What are the Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease?

Although the direct cause of the disease is still unknown, years of research has provided us with many risk factors that although may not be contributory, are often times notable in leading up to this degenerative disease. Dr. Daniel Amen, renowned Brain specialist and esteemed mentor, lists these risk factors using the acronym BRIGHT MINDS.

  • Blood Flow
  • Retirement /Aging
  • Inflammation
  • Genetics
  • Head Trauma
  • Toxins
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Immunity / Infection
  • Neurohormone Deficiencies
  • Diabetes / Obesity
  • Sleep Issues

If you have concerns about or are experiencing these risk factors in your life, it is wise to have your brain-functioning evaluated using qEEG Brain Mapping by a trained professional to see if Alzheimer’s could be a contributing factor.

How to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Here are some tips to start early to ward off dementia so you can live a long healthy life filled with engaged thinking and memories.

  • Get your brain mapped early, by age 40, to see if your brain is starting to decline
  • Exercise
  • Engage in hobbies that involve new learning
  • Avoid head injury
  • Take nutritional supplements for your brain
  • Eat nutrient-rich foods
  • Avoid fatty and sugary foods to keep your brain healthy and rescue your thinking and memory.


Memory Lost & Brain Fog
Sensory Processing Disorder

Leigh Brain and Spine is proud to have earned the distinction as a Certified Brain Health Coach Center and is a proud member of the Amen Clinics referral network.

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