Get Ahead With Our Drug-Free ADHD Brain Training Program
Many people with ADHD think their options are limited. If you struggle with ADHD, you should know that it has been proven to come from the way a person’s brain is performing. You should also know that brain performance can be improved to help reduce and alleviate symptoms. It’s true! Our certified Neurofeedback doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine can perform the proper testing in order to show you what is happening in your brain. It may be at the root of your ADHD symptoms. You deserve to find out. Once you know how your brain is working, our team can help you with advanced ADHD treatment for a better way of life.
What Causes ADHD?
ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a brain-based condition that directly affects the set of brain functions and behaviors that limit concentration, memory, motivation, effort, learning, impulsivity, hyperactivity, organization, and social skills.
ADHD is a serious concern, however, it should be noted that many people who suffer from it can go on to live happy and successful lives. This is because ADHD is caused by the use of too much slow brain processing speed called Theta. Some people are born with excessive Theta use which causes their symptoms. We know that ADHD runs in families because this brain pattern can be passed down. You can see on the qEEG Brain Map below that ADHD can easily be seen as the color red in Theta use. You can see for yourself if your brain is using too much Theta and then Neurfoeedback can rid you of it.
At Leigh Brain & Spine in Chapel Hill, the Drs. Leigh works with children, teens, and adults that struggle with this condition. Drs. Leigh are dedicated to helping each group by providing ADHD therapy that changes their brain pattern and their lives, for the best. ADHD is the most common childhood neurobehavioral challenge. The ADHD Institute has measured the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as between 5.29% and 7.1% worldwide with the United States at the upper end of that scale. For the last 50 years, brain training has been shown effective and safe to reduce ADHD symptoms.
How Can ADHD Be Identified in Your Brain?
It is easy. ADHD can be seen on a qEEG Brain Map. The first step in the process is to have the proper evaluation to see how your brain is causing your symptoms. Not only does the Brain Map show you if you have the brain performance pattern for ADHD, but it also shows the doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine exactly what needs to be done to improve your brain. Then they are able to deliver individualized Neurofeedback Therapy to reduce your symptoms and improve your well-being.
How Does Neurofeedback Treat ADHD?
Focus and productivity improve when your brain uses less Theta slow brain speed. During your Neurofeedback sessions, you simply relax and the advanced technology does all the work. Neurofeedback brain training can even be done at home with the guidance of our professional team. During the sessions, the computer rewards your brain for making less Theta by playing your screen bright and your audio loud. If your brain uses more Theta, your screen dims and sound lowers. Through this continual feedback to your brain of how it is performing, your brain learns to work better. It is like a workout for your brain. The best part is that you can see your brain performance improve on charts and graphs of your progress. Neurofeedback is completely measurable and you can see and feel your improvements. You can learn about Neurofeedback HERE.
Advanced Medication-Free ADHD Treatment in Chapel Hill
At Leigh Brain & Spine, Dr. Trish Leigh will help put you on a better path by understanding what is happening in your brain and how you can help yourself. She is a highly trained Brain Coach with over 25 years of experience helping families. Dr. Cosmas Leigh and his team will conduct a comprehensive brain-based assessment to determine the underlying brain pattern that is associated with attention and behavior challenges. Together they will then will guide you toward making the best decisions for long-term success.
Science Proves Neurofeedback is an Effective ADHD Treatment
More scientific studies now prove that Neurofeedback is an effective treatment for ADHD. In fact, even years ago Harvard University touted it as the future way of treatment. Neurofeedback can reduce the use of Theta slow brain speed and increase the speed for calm focus. When your brain performs better, so do you. While ADHD is something to be concerned about, you can rest a little easier knowing brain-based treatments are available for children and adults who have struggled with ADHD. For over 60 years these methods have been proven safe, all-natural, and effective.
How Do I Get Started with Neurofeedback for ADHD?
Shift your brain into a new, better operating mode so that you can be focused, relaxed. We offer Neurofeedback Treatment from the comfort of your home now too with our professional guidance. Get all equipment delivered straight to your door! Have your brain evaluated for the ADHD and Anxiety brain pattern. See the results for yourself. he doctors at Leigh Brain & Spine are eager to help you start anew. Call (919) 401-9933 today or contact us below to receive more information on exactly how our services work.
What Causes ADHD?
ADHD is primarily caused by a brain pattern that is running too slow (underactive as described in the picture to the right). The brain’s reduced processing speed causes distractions, lack of focus, difficulty staying on task, forgetfulness, and difficulty following through on intended tasks. This pattern can also lead to anxiety over time as the brain attempts to compensate for the slowness.
What are the symptoms of ADHD?
Typically, parents who witness excessive motor activity assume their child might have ADHD. Since impulsivity, inattentiveness, and active behavior are common in children, it makes common ADHD symptoms difficult to distinguish. If you are trying to discern if your or your child or loved one struggles with ADHD, a person would need to suffer from at least 5 of the common symptoms listed below.
- Short attention span
Forgetfulness - Avoids tasks requiring mental effort
- Struggles to follow instructions
- Does not appear to list
- Does not pay close attention to detail
- Has difficulty with organization
- Fidgets around often
- Has difficulty sitting still
- Has difficulty in engaging in quiet activities
- Excessively runs and climbs
- Talks Excessively
- Has difficulty waiting
Neurofeedback, The #1 Way to Overcome ADHD!
Most people who have ADHD often show differences in brain behavior and the frontal lobe. This area of the brain is responsible for learning, behavior, and, personality. Any abnormalities in the brain can result in a change in behavior and vice versa. Neurofeedback’s aim is to fix the undesirable behavior by changing the brain without medication or invasive procedures. Read Our Adult ADHD Success Story! Neurofeedback is a form of treatment that measures the brains electrical waves with a cutting-edge device called an electroencephalograph (EEG). There are five brain waves the EEG can observe. These are known as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and theta waves. If the EEG discovers that there are too many theta waves or too few beta waves then it can be determined that ADHD is present and can be diagnosed. A neurofeedback ADHD treatment will work to correct this by training people with ADHD to use their brains in a different manner. Dr. Leigh will begin the ADHD Treatment by gently attaching electrodes to the patient’s head in order to measure brain activity. This allows Dr. Leigh to monitor brain waves while having them perform specific tasks. The process involves observing how the brain responds to sound and other forms of stimuli. Through behavior modification, this approach can alter, amplify, and interrupt brain activity based on the feedback from the EEG. This will slowly alter the brain waves. As the brain waves change, so do the symptoms of ADHD. Neurofeedback is an effective treatment rated a #1 Best Support by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association. While Neurofeedback works well as an ADHD Treatment, it can also help children and adults overcome challenges associated with the brain-based conditions listed below:
- Alzheimer’s
- Attachment Disorders
- Autism
- Depression
- Dementia
- Dyslexia
- Insomnia
- Learning Disorders
- Sensory Processing Disorders
- Stress
Frequently Ask Question About ADHD
What does ADHD stand for?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Commonly known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADHD is the official name used by doctors.
How to know if you have ADHD?
Common signs of ADHD are:
- Organizational Issues
- Getting bored easily
- Struggling to focus
- Short attention span
- Forgetfulness
- Struggles to follow instructions
- Fidgets around often
- Has difficulty sitting still
- Has difficulty in engaging in quiet activities
- Talks Excessively
- Has difficulty waiting
What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?
How is ADHD Diagnosed?
Traditionally, ADHD is diagnosed by a comprehensive assessment by a trained Neuropsychologist. This assessment includes questionnaires for parents and teachers, tests that the child takes to evaluate the ability to attend, focus, and hold items in memory. Also, physical symptoms are taken into consideration. A history of the symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity are seen in the person for many years before a diagnosis should be made. There are holes in this approach, however. For a long time, it has been known that diagnosis by symptoms can result in the wrong diagnosis because many symptoms can be a product of a wide variety of brain-based challenges. Thus, with improvements in technology and science, there now exists a biological test that can tell if a person’s brain is impacted by ADHD. At Leigh Brain and Spine, the doctors use a Neurological test that is FDA approved to confirm a diagnosis of ADHD by looking at the brain patterns that a child or adult is using. Simply put, there is a brain pattern for optimal functioning which involves easy use of calm, focused attention. There is a brain pattern for ADHD which involves difficulty attending and focusing. When the qEEG Brain Map is performed, the brain patterns that the person is using are easy to see and identify. The patterns involve too much use of slow processing speed and not enough use of faster processing speed that helps people get into the “zone” of calm-focus.
How to get tested for ADHD?
Neurofeedback therapy, qEEG brain map evaluation, and brain health education and education services have been effective for numerous patients as accurate methods of being tested properly for ADHD.
How Do Brain-based Therapies Help ADHD?
Brain-based Therapies, Neurofeedback Therapy primarily, improve the ADHD brain pattern toward the optimal brain pattern. In doing so, attention, impulsivity, executive function, and thinking abilities improve. It is that simple. Neurofeedback Therapy addresses the underlying cause, not just symptoms, for lasting improvement.
Why Do I Need a Brain Map Test for ADHD?
qEEG Brain Maps are beneficial when trying to figure out how to help yourself or your loved one improve their ability to think, focus, attend, remember, and stay organized. The real information from a qEEG Brain Map is not a diagnosis, it is finding out what can be done to help get rid of your symptoms and the underlying cause. You can see for yourself what is actually happening within your brain. Then you know what needs to be done to be able to think, focus, and attend better. Many times ADHD symptoms are due to other causes such as a head injury, anxiety, or slower information processing (not truly ADHD). Once you, and the doctors at Leigh Brain and Spine, see which patterns your brain is using, then you know which treatment options and which DIY strategies and techniques are best suited to improve brain functioning and your symptoms. The qEEG Brain Map identifies the biomarkers for ADHD or not. If not, it shows the biomarkers for the patterns that are there.
What Should I Expect From My ADHD Treatment with Dr. Leigh?
A Neurofeedback ADHD treatment session will start by having the patient answer specific questions about their symptoms, treatment history, and lifestyle. The same questions about the symptoms will be asked at the start of each session to help track improvements over time. Dr. Leigh will attach the patient to an electroencephalograph (EEG) machine by placing electrodes to the patients head. The number of electrodes will vary depending upon the session. The electrodes will not cause discomfort nor will they deliver any kind of electrical current into the brain. When the treatment session begins, a real-time scan of the patient’s brain waves will be present on a screen. Based on the appearance of the brain waves, Dr. Leigh will provide a movie and instructions that will adjust the patient’s brain waves. Over time there may be more significant changes in the brain’s output. These changes create alterations in both behavior and thought. The whole process typically lasts for 45 to 60 minutes. For the best results, around 40 Neurofeedback sessions over the course of 20 weeks are often recommended.
- ADHD and Sleep Complex Interactions
- ADHD Multimodal Study
- Adult ADHD Improved by Neurofeedback